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Blog Posts (16)

  • Allison's Doing Another Workshop!

    Hey, y'all! If you missed out on the last one, this is your reminder to get tickets for my workshop on September 27th, 2024! Find all the details below! When: September 27th, 2024, time TBD Where: Mystique Lingerie 2700 S College Ave Suite 165 Fort Collins, CO 80525 What it's about: This workshop will cover what to do when you feel like the spark you had isn't quite as strong. Feeling like a spark has dwindled is an extraordinarily common challenge, and not a lot of folx know where to turn when it starts to happen because it can feel really overwhelming and scary, especially if you've been in a long-term relationship/marriage and noticed things just aren't quite as spicy as they once were. We'll learn about some different communication tactics to help get some convos facilitated, talk about some tips and tricks to use at home (hint: it involves getting naked together!), and do some brief anatomy lessons to make sure you're reaching all the right places when you go spelunking. As with all of my workshops, this is a safe space where anyone of all genders, ethnicities, ages, backgrounds, races, relationship statuses, and cultures can come together and learn about their sexualities as they pertain to the kink world. If you are under 16 years old, please bring an adult with you who will act as your parent or guardian. Here's a link to get tickets! If you have any questions, please reach out to me! I hope to see you all there! ~Allison

  • Free Q&A!!!

    Hey everyone! Here's a little reminder that you can catch me at Wolverine Farm Publick House on August 22nd, 2024 from 2:30-4:30pm - I'll be available to answer any and all questions you might have about sex, intimacy, relationships, sexuality, gender, kink, and so much more! Stop by and say hi and bring me all your weirdest, most embarrassing, wackiest, craziest questions and I'll do my best to answer them! Hope you see you out there! ~Allison

  • Allison's Doing Another Workshop!

    Hey, y'all! If you missed out on the last one, this is your reminder to get tickets for my workshop on August 22nd, 2024! Find all the details below! When: August 22nd, 2024 from 6-8pm Where: Mystique Lingerie 2700 S College Ave Suite 165 Fort Collins, CO 80525 What it's about: This workshop will cover the basics of BDSM! BDSM, if you aren't familiar, stands for b ondage, d ominance, s adism, and m asochism, and, as you'll learn in this workshop, there's a lot more to it than just those four terms! We'll learn about the many, many facets of BDSM as well as do some hands-on (and clothing-on) rope-tying, communication techniques, and sensation play! Glean some take-home tricks that you can try with just you or you+. This is a safe space where anyone of all genders, ethnicities, ages, backgrounds, races, and cultures can come together and learn about their sexualities as they pertain to the kink world. If you are under 16 years old, please bring an adult with you who will act as your parent or guardian. Here's a link to get tickets! If you have any questions, please reach out to me! I hope to see you all there! ~Allison

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Other Pages (18)

  • Let's Talk! | Sextraordinary Coach

    Let's Talk About Sex, Baby! If you’ve ever found yourself with questions about sex (how does this go in that? What if I don’t like what they like? How do I know what I like? How can I have better sex? Is this as good as it gets? What the heck is an egg sleeve?), how to have safer sex, or anything about sex in general, you’ve found the right page! Get in touch with me and learn about how you can have the best sex for you! Schedule a Free 30-Minute Consult Click Me! Phone 303-667-3596 Email Connect

  • About | Sextraordinary Coach

    The Full Story About Sextraordinary Coaching Watching myself grow and learn from others, find new joys, and discover my truths and passions every day is what makes life scrumptious, zesty, luscious, glorious, and splendorous to me. I am ever open to finding the pleasures in uncomfortability and learning to enjoy uncomfortable feelings, as they are almost always growing pains and can lead ultimately to blooming in ways we never imagined for ourselves. Mission I help people learn about how they can have the best sex possible for them, connect with partners, and feel their best through education and pleasure-centered somatic work. Loaded Questions -Do you find yourself wondering if you could be experiencing more pleasure? -Are you asking a lot of questions that you can’t find the answers to? -Are you seeking clarity in your sex life? -Are you bored with the sex you’re having? -Do you want to experience more desire, naturally? I welcome your challenges, your insecurities, and your struggles. I see your good intentions, and your doubts, and your inevitable question marks. Let’s come together and focus on getting you where you want to be. My goal is for you to leave every coaching conversation feeling renewed, re-energized, and re-ignited with passion, desire, and pleasure as well as confidence in yourself that you have all the strength that you need already inside of you. Pricing -One-on-one sessions, per minute......................................$2 -One-on-one sessions, one hour......................................$125 -Couples sessions, one hour............................................$250 -Couples (2+ attendees) sessions, two hours.................$375 Interested in a monthly or annual plan? Click Here to Look At Plans

  • Plans | Sextraordinary Coach

    Is A Plan Right For You? Basic $ 475 475$ Every month Perfect for those looking for weekly one-hour sessions Choose Me! 10-Pack Bundle $ 1,200 1,200$ 10 sessions, one per week Valid for 10 weeks Choose Me! After-School Youth Program Package $ 1,200 1,200$ Valid for 4 months Choose Me! Buy all 12 week's worth of sessions, ages 4-6 After-School Youth Program Plan $ 1,200 1,200$ Valid for 4 months Choose Me! Buy all 12 week's worth of sessions, ages 7-10 After-School Youth Program Package $ 1,200 1,200$ Valid for 4 months Choose Me! Buy all 12 week's worth of sessions, ages 11-13 After-School Youth Program Plan $ 1,200 1,200$ Valid for 4 months Choose Me! Buy all 12 week's worth of sessions, ages 14-18 Summer Youth Program Package $ 500 500$ Valid for one month Choose Me! Buy all 4 week's worth of sessions, ages 4-6 Summer Youth Program Package $ 500 500$ Valid for one month Choose Me! Buy all 4 week's worth of sessions, ages 7-10 Summer Youth Program Package $ 500 500$ Valid for one month Choose Me! Buy all 4 week's worth of sessions, ages 11-13 Summer Youth Program Package $ 500 500$ Valid for one month Choose Me! Buy all 4 week's worth of sessions, ages 14-18 Parent/Guardian Program $ 250 250$ After-School Session Valid for 4 months Choose Me! Parent/Guardian After-School Program Parent/Guardian Summer Package $ 250 250$ Summer Session Valid for 4 months Choose Me! Parent/Guardian Summer Program

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